To save a document online, you have to log in. To start, you need to have a document name in the section that is provided. Then as soon as you press the save document online button, it will save it online. You can save multiple documents in Aswin's Writer.
Retrieving Documents from saved:
To retrieve documents, you press the retrieve documents button. Then it will ask for the document name. Once you enter the document name, it will retrieve that document. If you want to retrieve another document, you can just save it and enter another document name after pressing the buttton.
We support 2 types of media: images and videos. To get started, you need to press on the add media button. Then you need to include the source of the media. If you are looking to add your files, you can simply get the source by using the "file://" links. Then you press whether it is a image or a video.
You will see some code in the text box. You can adjust its width and height by changing the pixels inside the ' ' (quotations).
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